28 April, 2019

If anyone still checks this, or is on the email feed I wanted to make one final post.

Robert has succumb to his greatest foe.  He has laid down his sword and now rests with wreaths of valor lining his path to heaven.

He departed this earth at 2127 on 26APR while Kasie and I held him in our arms.

To Robert,

My dear, sweet, kind, brave Son; I see you everywhere. When hunting I will look for you in the sunrise that finds its way through the cracks of the trees to reveal the woods before me.  When fishing in the early morning I will look for you just beyond the cool fog that blankets the lake.  I see your eyes in the stars and your smile in the smiles of your Brother and Sister.  I swear I hear your laugh on the wind and feel your tears in the rain.  I can still feel the sensation of your kiss on my cheek.  You will always be with me.

I will look after Ben & Allie.  Don't worry about them big brother, rest easy. Find your Great Grandpa in heaven...he will have all of the best fishing holes scouted out by now.

At 14 yrs you are better than I could ever be.  Run, jump, laugh, be pain free and enjoy paradise.
I cant wait to see you again


CLICK HERE For Obituary

** Edit- I have been contacted from some people who are kindly requesting the old posts and stories from this Blog, including one gentlemen who had interest in publishing the early work.  I have made the decision to delete everything; I just wanted to.  One exception being one of the early "Dispatch from the field" posts.  I just couldn't delete that one.  I started this project as an informational tool to create a dialogue with concerned family and friends but it actually turned into a therapeutic exercise for me.  I sometimes like writing and it gave me an outlet to assess what was on my mind.  When you think about how you want to say things to others, it helps you better understand how you feel yourself.  This is why shrinks have you write sh*t in journals I guess  The blog served this purpose for a long time and I am grateful for those who enjoyed reading.  Nonetheless, as time progressed and hope faded, it became more a painful chore than a creative release.  Deleting the old posts is not deleting my memories, I have so many more than this medium is even capable of holding.  I am deleting the written reminder of my hope, as no longer have use for it (in this regard)

I stand by everything I have written- even if poorly executed at times. I also stand by, support , and will continue to defend the Oxford Comma.

We will be ok. I have two beautiful children to guide through this journey.  We will grow, laugh, and love.

Robert will always be holding his sweet hand over the hole in my heart.

- Robert Hart (no...not the great one...one of the others)

18 May, 2011

**Dispatch From the Field

As the end of the day crept upon us, we resigned ourselves to the notion that we weren't making it back to HQ tonight.  Mama had again left out for provisions, leaving us to fend for ourselves. With frothing horses, tired backs, and Corporal Roberts sour belly, we decided we had better make camp.  As we pitched our tent we came in contact with the indigenous tribe of this locale, who didn't seem to appreciate our camp idear in the least.  It seems that they are near entirely female!  Our inital excitement to this fact was short lived once we got to trading with the savages.  They all dress in funny clothes, talk funny and even wear some sort of internal listening devices around their necks.  And that aint nothin', every time we turn around they're tellin' us what to do!  Robert's got it the worst, they're always a' pullin and a' proddin at him. "Do this, don't do that", "swaller this, pee in that".  One of them even attacked him with a needle!  Hopefully tomorrow we can break camp, and get back where we belong.

They don't care for my antics here, if only I cared.